Marie Wilmot, Letting Director – My Property Box
There has not been a massive amount that's changed since last month, the lettings market is still really busy. For us, October was one of our busiest months, with lots of people moving, this has carried into the beginning of November. However, things have quietened down ever so slightly since the second lockdown announcement but people that are now looking to move are motivated movers that are serious about moving and want to move fast!
In terms of the type of properties that we are letting, apartments are letting really quickly for a mixture of reasons, I think we still have unfortunately (or fortunately for us) a lot of breakups so they seem to be flying. Family homes are the same, anything really that is completed to a good spec / highstandard is literally going within a few days of coming to the market if not the same day so that's really positive.
In our breakout group we were just talking about the HMO demand and again you would've maybe expected that to slow down but it hasn't again a high spec HMO is no change, they are flying off the shelves too!
Predictions for the rest of the year… we do think that December could potentially be quieter than normal, but as a result we're expecting January to be an extremely busy month and everything to be flying once again. From our point of view we're really pleased with the way the last few months have gone and we're lucky there has been no real impact from coronavirus.